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                 MEN'S 18 HOLE GOLF  LEAGUE BYLAWS





Article I - Name and Purpose:


The name of this organization shall be the KW Men’s 18 Hole League. The objective of this League is to provide a quality 18 hole golf league with value for its members in line with the standards of the USGA. We view that the growth of the league will be based on the value it provides such as

  • Elevation of the quality of play to USGA rules through education and skills development

  • Providing fun and competitive formats each week

  • Building and strengthening friendships through golf and social gatherings

  • Being a positive benefit to the KW and local community

  • A sustainable and growing membership


Article II – Membership, League Play, and Dues:


Section 1. The membership is open to all adult males who are full members in good standing of the Kings Way Golf Club (the “Club”).


Section 2. Annual membership dues are per member. They will be set by the League Board of Directors. Dues are payable on October 1st of each year. Members must also pay the required handicap fee to the Club.


Section 3. Membership dues, in whole or in part, will be refundable for extenuating circumstances as approved by the Executive Board.


Section 4. League tournament play is limited to members. This requirement will not apply for member-guest tournaments, invitational tournaments or other special tournaments as determined by the Board of Directors


Article III - Officers:


The Officers of this Association shall be - 1. President  2. Vice President

3. Secretary  4. Treasurer  5. Assistant Treasurer 6. Data Base Management & Communications  7. Webmaster & Membership  8. Assistant Webmaster


Article IV - Duties of Officers:


Section 1. The President's duties shall include:

  • Preside at all meetings of the League

  • Be Chairman of the Executive Board

  • Be ex-officio member of all committees

  • Be in general charge of business affairs of the League


Section 2. The Vice President shall perform all of the duties of the President in his absence.


Section 3. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of Executive Board  meetings, other official League documents and write all necessary correspondence.


Section 4. Treasurer/Budget Planning

The Treasurer shall establish and maintain a bank account for the Kings Way Men’s 18 Hole League;  receive dues and other income for the League; pay bills and payouts for League winners.

  • Manage the League budget on a spreadsheet to keep accurate accounts of the finances of the League and for budgetary planning purposes.

  • Present periodic budgetary reports and financial condition of the League to the Executive Board.

Some duties may be delegated to the Assistant Treasurer as appropriate.


Section 5. Assistant Treasurer

The Assistant Treasurer shall perform the duties of the Treasurer when the Treasurer is not available and to perform duties as delegated by the Treasurer.

Section 6. Data Management and Communications

The manager of Data Management and Communications shall create, maintain, and distribute various spreadsheets for the League, such as membership, email lists, and other databases as may be necessary for the League. Write periodic columns for the Kings Way Crier and other publications describing the activities and information for the League.

Section 7. Webmaster and Membership

The Webmaster and Membership manager shall be responsible for:

  • managing all aspects of the KW Men’s 18 Hole web page and ensure it is properly linked and interfaced with other relevant web pages.

  • entering the tournament schedules and weekly tournament results into the League website.

  • developing and executing such surveys of League members as determined by the Executive Board.

  • developing new member incentives and retention programs. These programs include, but are not limited to, the creation and distribution of promotional flyers; the creation and distribution of the Member Application; and coordination with Sterling Golf Management in attracting new members.

Section 8. Assistant Webmaster

The Assistant Webmaster shall perform the duties of the Webmaster when the Webmaster is not available and to perform duties as delegated by the Webmaster.


Article V- Election of Officers:


Section 1. The election shall be held at the Fall general meeting, on the last day of League play, for the following year.


Section 2. The slate of Officers shall be presented to the General Membership by the Nominating Committee. This shall not preclude nominations from the floor.


Section 3. The term of office shall be for one year, beginning at the end of the Fall general meeting. Exceptions to this term limit can be made only by agreement of the office holder and a vote of the majority of the League members.



Article VI- Board of Directors:


Section 1. The policies and procedures of this League shall be established and managed by its Board of Directors.


Section 2. The members of the Board shall consist of: (A) The Officers (B) The immediate past President


Section 3. A majority of the voting members of the Board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting for the transaction of business.


Section 4. The immediate Past President will serve on the Board ex-officio and without a vote for a period of one year. He will provide an advisory role for the board in general and the President in particular. His presence is not counted as establishing a quorum.


Section 5. The Board shall have the power to fill any vacancy that occurs in the offices of the League.


Article VII – Committees and Appointments

Section 1. Standing Committees of the League shall be:

a. Rules: Shall establish rules and regulations under which League play and events will run and be responsible for their proper functioning.


b. Nominating Committee: Shall be responsible for presenting a slate of officers for annual election. The Past President of the League shall serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee. The committee will include up to two members-at-large who are appointed by the President. This shall not preclude nominations from League members.


Section 2. Ad hoc Committees


The President, subject to approval of the Executive Board, may, from time to time, appoint ad hoc committees with the charge, powers and composition as the President shall determine.


Section 3. Committee Chairs

a. Committee Chairs, except for the Chair of the Nominating Committee, will be appointed by the President and shall have the authority to appoint one or more members of the League to assist in carrying out the duties of the committee. The Chair of each committee is responsible for keeping the President informed at all times.

b. At the discretion of the President, any committee except for the Nominating Committee may have co-chairs.


Article VIII - Amendment of Bylaws:


Section 1. The bylaws may be amended by the General Membership of the League at a meeting called for that purpose by the Board of Directors at least fourteen (14) days in advance.


Section 2. Amendments to the Bylaws must be approved by the majority of the members present at the meeting.


Article IX - Meetings:


Section 1. There will be two general meetings yearly. An opening meeting at the beginning of the year and a closing meeting near the end of the year.


Section 2. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Board of Directors.


Section 3. All meetings shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised.


Section 4. A majority of the members shall constitute quorum at all general and special meetings.


Section 5. Proxy voting shall be allowed at any meeting for which a notice with the purposes of such meeting has been sent to all members before such meeting. A member must submit a signed proxy to the Secretary before any such meeting and such proxy shall specify the date and time of the meeting, as well as the purpose of the proxy. A separate proxy must be used for each such meeting. A member's proxy will be counted as a forum.

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